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Throughout the year as an electrician in Toronto, I have the opportunity to visit hundreds of local homeowners. Between completing knob & tube replacement, installing pot lights and upgrading electrical systems, I see many issues that homeowners ignore not realizing that the following issues potentially could cause a house fire or injury to a member of their family.
1. The Dangerous Dryer
Dryers are both a blessing and a curse. While they perform a wonderful service, they also are a huge hazard if not cared for correctly. Tens of thousands of house fires begin every year because a dryer was not maintained properly, and this is easy to prevent. First, clean out your lint tray often, in fact, before you put in a new load, remove all of the lent. You also should clean out your dryer vent several times per year. Lint is one of the most flammable materials in your home, so it just makes sense to get rid of excess lint as often as possible. Also, if you are leaving your home, never leave the dryer running. As an electrician in Toronto and a fire safety expert, I’ve heard this latter advice from firefighters again and again.
2. Heading Out? Check For Dangers
Before you head to work in the mornings, take a quick trip around your house to ensure that no dangerous electrical issues are present. For instance, many fires are started because a curling iron or clothing iron was left plugged in. If you use electric blankets, fans or space heaters, make sure these are turned off and unplugged. Additionally, turn off all of the lights, especially lamps. Lamps can be a fire hazard, but unplugging or turning off lights also will save you money. Why pay for energy that you won’t be home to use?
3. Child Safety Is Crucial
While we’ve all heard the tales about how “back in my day, no one childproofed their homes,” the fact of the matter is that back in those days, it was far more common for children to become injured from electrical shocks. There are many easy ways to childproof, including placing plug covers into unused outlets and using childproof covers for power strips. Obviously, we all teach our children not to touch cords and outlets, but those little guys and gals tend to have a mind of their own and it is far better to be safe than sorry.
4. Know Your Wattage & Learn About Bulb Safety
Are you putting a 100-watt bulb into a 60-watt fixture? Before you place any light bulb into a pot light or lamp, be sure that the bulb wattage matches what the electrical device can handle. Additionally, make sure that all of the bulbs are screwed into place completely, as this can prevent electrical fires caused by sparks.
Another interesting bulb fact – if you break a compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb, immediately have your family members and pets leave the room. Open a window or door and shut off your heater or air conditioner. In about 10 minutes you can return. Do not vacuum up the pieces, collect them all as carefully as you can and place all of the debris into a jar with a metal lid or a plastic baggie. CFLs should be taken (broken or not broken) to a special facility for disposal rather than placing them in your trash bin. The bulbs, while highly efficient, contain mercury, and if a bulb breaks, you risk having yourself and family members breathe in this toxic substance.
5. Check Your Cords
Are your cords worn out and wires are visible? If this is the case, dispose of these cords as they pose a fire danger or the danger of delivering an electrical shock. If you have multiple power strips filled with plugs placed in a single outlet, this also can overload a circuit and pose a danger. If you need more outlets or different types of outlets, contact an electrician in Toronto to upgrade your electrical system so that it can handle the amount of energy you use.
6. Be Aware Of Electrical Problems
If you lights blink or dim occasionally or if you notice that your circuit breakers are constantly tripping, this indicates that you need to contact an electrician. Toronto residents with homes older than about 15 years probably need to upgrade their electrical panels and perhaps their electrical systems. If you notice that an electrical outlet is warm, this also can be a sign of wiring issues or overloaded circuits. Unplug all devices from the outlet and see if the outlet cools down. If it remains warm, contact your electrician. If it cools down, ensure that you aren’t overloading the outlet by plugging in items that require more electricity than the outlet can handle.
If you do need an electrician in Toronto, the team at Tesla Electric is happy to help. Our electricians have more than 40 years of experience and we also provide a lifetime guarantee for all of our work.