Electric Car Charger Installation From Tesla Electric
If you are ready to turn in the keys and be rid of your internal combustion engine, there are plenty of great electric vehicles to consider. Once you’ve made your choice, you can bypass the gas station, Drive Clean tests and oil changes, but one service you will need immediately will be electric car charger installation in your home and the team at Tesla Electric can help.
Before Installation
Before we provide you with electric car charger installation, we need to assess your electrical panel to determine whether or not this panel can handle the additional electrical load of your charger. In some cases, your electrical panel will need an upgrade before we install the car charger.
What You Need To Know
There are three types or levels of charging available and two are suitable for at-home use: Level 1 & Level 2. Level 2 and Level 3 chargers are what you will find at charging stations around Toronto, and Level 3 chargers provide enough electricity to fully charge most electric cars in less than an hour. However Level 3 charging stations require the use of direct current (DC), and households use alternating current (AC), not to mention that these chargers use more power than the typical home can provide, so it is not available for installation at your home.
Level 1 provides about 1 kw of power, and it will take anywhere from 8 to 15 hours to provide a full charge. Most electric cars provide a cord for Level 1 charging, and you can simply plug this cord into an outlet. However, most people upgrade to Level 2, because this provides much faster charging. For instance, if your Level 1 takes 10 to 15 hours to recharge, it might not work with your lifestyle, as you might not be at home for that amount of time on a regular basis.
The Level 2 charger can provide a full charge within 3 to 8 hours, depending on the model of electric car you have. Level 2 chargers will need to be installed by a professional electrician to ensure safety, but once they are installed, you can just plug in your car when you head home for the night and by morning, your vehicle will be fully charged.
Which Chargers Do We Install?
In a nutshell, all of them. No matter what make or model of electric vehicle you own, we can provide electric car charger installation. While our name may be “Tesla Electric,” we install chargers for any type of fully electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. This includes the Hyundai IONIQ, Hyundai Sonata , Toyota Prius, Ford Fusion, Ford Focus, Kia Soul, Kia Optima PHEV, Volkswagen e-Golf, Chevy VOLT and Chevy BOLT, Nissan Leaf, Honda Clarity PHEV, Audi A3 e-tron, Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, Mini Cooper as well as electric cars and plug-in hybrids from Volvo, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and, of course, Tesla.
To get started, simply purchase your Level 2 charger, and give us a call. We will assess your electrical panel, make any necessary upgrades and provide you with quality electric car charger installation.